Friends of Music   Friends of Shakespeare   Bob Rustowicz
Friends of Music
A special group for university supporters and music alumni, Friends of Music provides scholarships for talented music majors.

Friends of Shakespeare
Support the arts! Friends of Shakespeare brings renowned actors from the London stage to perform and conduct workshops at UTSA.

Bob Rustowicz Scholarship
This scholarship benefits instrumental music majors and honors popular UTSA mentor Dr. Bob Rustowicz.
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College of Liberal and Fine Arts   Spirit of San Antonio Marching Band   UTSA Debate Team
College of Liberal and Fine Arts
The largest college in number of students, faculty, departments and degree programs, COLFA continues to see the greatest growth of any UTSA college.
Spirit of San Antonio Marching Band
Your support will ensure that the Spirit of San Antonio Marching Band can inspire energy and pride at each athletics, campus and community performance.
UTSA Debate Team Scholarship
Your gift for the nationally recognized team will support the best debaters at UTSA.

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